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What to Consider Before Relocating Your Business

Factors to Consider When Relocating a Business

Factors to Consider When Relocating a Business

Relocating your business to a new office space or even a new city is a daunting task. The decision to move your company’s offices cannot be taken lightly. There are plenty of factors to consider when deciding on an office relocation – here are just a few.


1. Tax Breaks

Look for tax breaks, special offers and other financial advantages of moving your business to a new city or state. Some cities and states offer small to larger-sized businesses incentives to relocate their offices there. Research these potential opportunities with the local chamber of commerce of the area you are considering and determine if they are beneficial for your business.


2. Stay Connected to Your Customers

An office relocation is often necessary when your growing company has outgrown its current office space. Another reason – your company is ready to reach out to new markets. But even when you are expanding your business, you don’t want to lose your current customer base. Understand how your customers are currently reaching you and make sure their access won’t be changed or hindered too significantly by the Portland Oregon commercial moving process.


3. Market Research

Conduct market research before relocating your business, especially if you are moving a considerable distance from your old offices. This way you know that there is demand for your products or services in the city or state you are relocating to.


4. Location Matches Your Company’s Culture

Office relocations often result in a few employees leaving as well as new hires. Before deciding on the location of your new office, make sure the city has a talent pool that can support your business’s goals. Move to an area where there are other qualified and like-minded individuals that can easily fit into your company’s culture.


Are your considering an office relocation? Our Portland Oregon commercial moving experts at Gentle John’s Moving & Storage can help. We’ll make any commercial move or corporate move efficient and easy.

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