Our Portland movers have put together this comprehensive moving checklist to make your next move a breeze. No matter the size of your next move, we can handle it.


Two Months Before Your Move

Call Gentle John’s Moving & Storage for more complex jobs before our calendars fill up. The earlier you call, the better chance your desired moving day is available.

  • First things first- make a list of everything you need to do before you move. Feel free to print out this checklist and cross out as you go!
  • Start using up stuff you can’t move – like frozen foods, cleaning supplies, and other easily replaceable items.
  • Start decluttering your home. Categorize your stuff in the following ways: items to give away or sell, items to throw away and items to move. Make sure you know what items are going to need assistance from movers and what you are moving yourself. Create an inventory list that you can use when packing your items to label where they will be stored during the move.
  • Make a list of everyone you need to notify about your move: friends, professionals, creditors, subscriptions, etc.
  • If you will need to store some of your belongings, start to make the necessary arrangements now. Our team at Gentle John’s Moving & Storage can help!

Collect all your personal records (school, medical, legal, and accounting). Ask for referrals where possible. Collect important papers (vehicle registration, insurance, will, deeds, stock, etc.)


Five Weeks Before Your Move

  • Fill out the online Change of Address form for the post office.
  • Call to schedule disconnection and connection of all utilities (gas, electric, oil, water, cable, internet and trash collection) at both your old and new addresses. Remember to keep utilities connected at your current home until after your moving day.
  • Plan a yard sale to sell items you don’t need, or even better, donate them to local charities like Goodwill, or Salvation Army.


One Month Before Your Move

  • Map out where you want your furniture to go in your new home. This will speed up the process on moving day and make it easier for your movers.
  • Dealing with elevators on moving day? Contact your property manager to schedule the use of those elevators for your move. Make sure you are following the guidelines so you don’t delay your moving info.
  • Start packing. Never wait until the last minute to pack. Start with the items you don’t use very often. Remember to mark everything down on your inventory list so you don’t miss anything.
  • The right packing products are important. If you have fragile or valuable objects, you may consider hiring our Portland full-service movers to make sure they aren’t damaged.


Don’t forget to arrange transportation or babysitters for your pets and children so they don’t get in the way on moving day.


Two Weeks Before Your Move

  • Follow up with Gentle John’s movers to confirm everything is all set for moving day.

As you pack the rest of your items, give us a heads up if you have extra items than what is listed in your moving plan. If there are any changes in time or date for your move, make sure you give us as much notice as possible, so we can be sure to accommodate.


The Week Before Your Move

  • Double check your moving checklist to make sure you didn’t miss anything.
  • Give yourself a day to disconnect your appliances, defrost your freezer and refrigerator, etc. This will make sure you are prepared, cleaned up and ready for your move.
  • Make sure you pack a bag of essentials to keep with you during the move. This should include things like toothbrush, change of clothes, jewelry and other small valuables that you don’t want to pack away in a moving box.

Give your utilities companies a call to confirm they will be connected and ready to go in your new home.


Moving Day

  • Get up early! Pack any last-minute items, strip your beds and get any last details organized.
  • Make sure you are at the house when your movers arrive, so you can answer any questions. This makes the process go a lot faster. You can also confirm you have the right paperwork, pricing etc.

Make sure you go with the Foreman as he or she inspects/tags each piece of furniture with an identifying number. These numbers will appear on your Bill of Lading and inventory list. Make sure you sign them carefully and hold onto them until your move is completed. It’s your responsibility to make sure all your items are packed, loaded and transported to your new home.


Move in Day

  • Just as important as being at your old home to help the movers, it’s important to be at your new home when it’s time to unload the items. Be prepared to pay your movers before the unloading and move-in process starts and have that payment on hand.
  • Let your movers know where you want your items (reference the map you created a few weeks back).

Once all your items are unloaded, unpack just what you need for the first day or two. Don’t stress out about unpacking everything as soon as you get there. Relax and just worry about the essentials to avoid getting overwhelmed


After the Move

Let us know how your move went! You’ll be hearing from our Gentle John’s Moving & Storage team to ensure you had a positive experience.


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